
Friday, September 19, 2014

Who would you want to work with?

We are in the process of making teacher-groups for Family Math Night. The teachers (MTH 221 students) will work together to develop an activity related to specific standards, try out the activity with K-6 students, and reflect on the activity's effectiveness. Throughout the project, teachers use frameworks from the 5 Practices and the Principles to Actions to inform their efforts. This is one of the ways I try to embed the work of teaching into the course.

Because I also want to prepare pre-service teachers to be your future colleagues, I am soliciting your help in identifying norms for collaboration. What are some things you look for in colleagues with whom you choose to work? I am trying to come up with five criteria that the teachers could consider as they evaluate their interactions with their peers.

I have a compulsion to use acronyms, so I made the checklist on the right using some suggestions shared on Twitter. Does this list work for you? If not, how would you adjust it? Please do not be limited by this format as you offer suggestions in the comments.

Thank you in advance for your contributions to the development of these future educators.