
Thursday, December 1, 2016

What's the deal?

Over the past two years, #M323 teacher-leaders have designed several centers associated with Common Core State Standard 6.SPA.3. Below is one of my favorites, which I am attempting to revise for my #M221 pre-service teachers. Any feedback you are willing to provide would be appreciated.

Data Set Deal
  • Remove all the face cards and Jokers from a deck of cards;
  • Deal out five cards, face down, to each player;
  • Turn over exactly three cards;
  • Determine the mode (color), median (number), and range (number) of the three cards;
  • Other players check to see that your answers are correct [1 point per correct answer];
  • Predict the mode (color), median (number), and range (number) of all five cards;
  • Turn over another card;
  • Determine the mode (color), median (number), and range (number) of the four cards;
  • Other players check to see that your answers are correct [1 point per correct answer];
  • Predict the mode (color), median (number), and range (number) of all five cards;
  • Turn over the last card;
  • Determine the mode (color), median (number), and range (number) of all five cards;
  • Other players check to see that your answers are correct [1 point per correct answer];
  • Check to see which of your predictions were correct [2 points per correct answer]; and
  • The winner is the first one to 21 points.

Score Sheet
Please leave any questions or suggestions in the comments. Thanks!