
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Whatcha been doing, Bobby Ewing?

My colleague and friend, John Golden, and I watched the first two seasons of Ted Lasso, the Emmy Award Winning AppleTV+ series, and thought, "This has a lot of great lessons for educators." So, we're creating 10 episodes addressing major themes from the show that might support teachers in improving their professional practice. Each episode will include teaching and learning examples from the show, from the research, and from practice. If you're interested in this sort of thing, we ask that you become part of the Ted Ed community and share your ideas on Twitter at #TeachingLikeTedLasso.

Here's the video we put out that introduces the podcast:

Each episode we will be sharing scenes from the show, but, like Roy, we are really bad at impressions. So we've decided to have some fun with it.

To make sure you don't miss any content, subscribe to our YouTube Channel or the audio version of the podcast
or both.

Let us know what teaching and learning themes you see in the show by sharing them in the comments.

We appreciate you.

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